The history of Florida can be traced to when the first Native Americans began to inhabit the peninsula since 14,000 years ago. They left behind artifacts and archaeological evidence. The written history of Florida begins with the arrival of Europeans; the Spanish explorer Juan Ponce de LeÃÆ'³n in 1513 made the first textual record. The country receives its name from the Spanish conquistador , who calls the peninsula La Pascua Florida in recognition of the green landscape and because it is the Easter season, called by the Spaniards Pascua Florida (Flower Festival).
This area is the first land area of ​​the United States to be completed by Europeans. Thus, 1513 marks the beginning of the American Frontier. Since then, Florida has had many waves of immigration, including French and Spanish settlements during the 16th century, as well as the entry of the Native American group that migrated from elsewhere in the South, and black and fugitive slaves, who were in the 19th Century become allied with Native Americans as Black Seminoles. Florida was under colonial rule by Spain, France, and Great Britain during the 18th and 19th centuries before it became part of the United States in 1821. Two decades later, in 1845 Florida was admitted to the union as the 27th US state. Since the 19th century, immigrants have come from Europe, Latin America, Africa and Asia.
Florida is dubbed the "Sunshine State" because of its warm climate and sunny days, which have attracted migrants and northerners since the 1920s. The diverse population and the urban economy have grown. In 2011 Florida, with over 19 million people, surpassed New York and became the third largest country in the population.
The economy has evolved over time, beginning with the exploitation of natural resources in logging, mining, fisheries, and diving of sponges; as well as farms, farms, and grapefruits. Business tourism, real estate, commerce, banking, and business retirement goals are followed.
Video History of Florida
Initial history
The foundation of Florida lies on the continent of Gondwana at the 650 Mya South Pole. When Gondwana collided with the continent of Laurentia 300 Mya, it moved further north. 200 Mya, the combined continents that contain what will be Florida, have moved north of the equator. At that time, Florida was surrounded by a desert, in the middle of a new continent, Pangea. When Pangea broke up 115, Florida assumed a form as a peninsula. The mainland that appears in Florida is Orange Island, a small island located on top of a Florida carbonate platform that appeared about 34 to 28 million years ago.
When the glaciation locked the water of the world, starting 2.58 million years ago, the sea level dropped dramatically. That's about 100 meters (330 feet) lower than the current level. As a result, the Florida peninsula not only appears, but has a land area of ​​about twice as it is today. Florida also has a drier and colder climate than in more recent times. There are several rivers running or wetlands.
First Floridians
Paleo-Indians enter what is now Florida at least 14,000 years ago. Throughout the great Florida region, fresh water is only available in sinkhole and limestone catches. As a result, most of the paleo-Indian activity is around the watering hole. Sinkhole and basin in modern river basins (such as the Page-Ladson prehistoric site on the Aucilla River) have produced rich paleo-Indian items, including Clovis points.
Excavations in ancient stone quarries (Container Corporation of America site in Marion County) produce "rough stone tools" that show signs of widespread wear from sediments below those holding Paleo-Indian artifacts. Thermoluminescence dating and weathering analyzes independently date 26,000 to 28,000 years ago for the manufacture of artifacts. This finding is controversial, and funding is not yet available for follow-up studies.
When the glaciers began to retreat about 8000 BC, the Florida climate became warmer and wetter. As the glaciers melt, the sea level rises, reducing the land. Many prehistoric sites along the old coastline are slowly submerged, making artifacts from the early coastal culture hard to find. The paleo-Indian culture was replaced by, or evolved into, Ancient Ancient culture. With the increase in population and more water available, people occupy more locations, as evidenced by many artifacts. Archaeologists have learned much about the early Florida Archaeological people from the discoveries made at Windover Pond. The Archaic Ancient Period evolved into the Middle Archaic period of about 5000 BC. People start living in villages near wetlands and favorite places that may be occupied for generations.
The Archaic End Period begins around 3000 BC, when the Florida climate has reached its current state and the sea has risen to near current levels. People usually occupy fresh wetlands and saltwater. Large Midden shells accumulate during this period. Many people live in large villages with artificial mounds of artificial land, such as on Horr's Island, which has the largest permanent community in the Archaic period in the southeastern United States. It also has the oldest burial mound in the East, circa 1450 BC. People started making pottery fired in Florida in 2000 BC. Around 500 BC, the Archaic culture, already quite uniform in Florida, began to split into regional culture.
The post-Archaic culture of east and south Florida developed in relative isolation. It is likely that the people who lived in those areas at the time of the first European contact were the direct descendants of the populations of the area at the end of the Archaic and Woodland times. The Florida culture stretches and the northern and central coast of the Gulf of Florida peninsula is heavily influenced by the Mississippian culture, producing two local variants known as Pensacola culture and Fort Walton culture.
Continuity in cultural history shows that people in the area also came from the Archaic period residents. In the julurkan and the northern part of the peninsula, people adopt the planting of corn. Its cultivation is limited or absent among the tribes living in the south of the Timucuan-speaking people (ie, the southern line is approximately from Daytona Beach now, Florida to the point in or north Tampa Bay.) The people in south Florida rely on rich estuarine environment and develop a very complex society without agriculture.
Maps History of Florida
Native American Society
Florida is divided between two distinct cultural groups, Muskogean and Karib. Although there are several Muskogean tribes on almost the entire east coast of Florida, everything else south of Lake Okeechobee is ruled by a Carib nation called Calusa - Including Locks. This tribe seems to have become a strong trading force in the Caribbean & amp; head & amp; his wife was treated as if they were kings & amp; Queen. They have invented complex & amp; build the cities of two-storey communal buildings, because the land in the Everglades is rare. Smaller farming villages and fishermen build more common roof shacks, common huts among the Carib people. While they mostly weave their clothes from Spanish moss & amp; make scarf & amp; carpets from dried palm leaves, they also must be traded for other fabrics to the north and west, which may have given them access to hemp and cotton. Head & amp; his wife has his own palace, all sorts, where they live and run their political business. They met with the Spaniards as they attempted to explore Florida in the 16th century, and continued to survive in this region until the mid-18th century, when Spain lost its temporary control of the Florida colonies to England due to the Confederate Creek activities. They are also partly responsible for the mythology surrounding the Youth Fountain. Later, they conquered several other Muskogean nations - namely Ais & amp; Mayaimi (who names the city of Miami, despite the fact that the tribe is surrounded Lake Okeechobee), technically makes them an Empire, as small as they are. (The Empire is a system of government in which significant populations of different kinds of people with separate cultural identities are ruled by a single sole ruler).
To begin with Spain had a very chaotic relationship with Calusa and quickly gave up trying to deal with them after their monasteries were destroyed several times.
To the north of Calusa, everything is less organized. The Mississippian culture that began among the Caddoan people on the Mississippi River has spread throughout the Muskogean population in one form or another. In southern Ohio, east of the Mississippi, west of the Appalachian, they live in the modern states of North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee and Kentucky. This is what will be called a city state & amp; people from the east coast are generally most unimpressive. While most of the other Muskogean communities were reformed into a series of strong confederations after Columbus contact, the Florida & amp; Southern Georgia (collectively referred to as Timucua) is the only one that does not. Greater Muskogean Country, Apalachee & amp; Hitchiti owns land in North Florida. The state capital, as is common in South America, due to the unavailability of good soil, is built on the apalachee's original capital.
Despite some of Spain's first loyal allies on the mainland, the city-state of Timucuan collapsed rapidly due to a mixture of European diseases, in combat and Spanish Encomienda rules. This requires the chief of the tribe to pay tribute to the Spanish crown and, should the tribute not be the requested amount, pay it off by organizing the workers in serving the governor and the local missionaries. It is known to have a separate family for a very long time and force people to move constantly. Encomienda also encouraged racial marriage, promising the cancellation of the law to the Spaniards, because the assumption that obtaining the power of the law by marrying an important native family would help the spread of Christianity. This soon led to many separate tribes to disperse and, at the turn of the 18th century, most of the Timucuan lived in a mixed village near local missions, most of which had been converted & amp; have mixed up their culture with Spanish culture.
During the 18th century, the small tribes Mobilian-Muskogean in Alabama, as well as Choctaw, Yuchi, Coashatta, Cherokee & amp; Hitchiti merged to form Confederate Creek. In retaliation against the Yamasee War of 1717, they destroyed the Yamasee people, then conquered their way through the rest of Guale & amp; Timucuan tribes in Georgia & amp; Florida The Spaniards are evacuating their remaining native inhabitants to Cuba. Many of those captured by the Creek are then sold as slaves in the Caribbean. After that, Confederate Creek broke into Muscogee, Cherokee & amp; Seminole - the last settler in Florida. Yamasee, after their destruction, became a price traveler in their heads, even by their former British allies who now avoid them for the sake of the tributaries. They spread through backwaters between South Carolina & amp; Florida. Today, many tribes of Yamasee have since been reformed from their descendants.
At the beginning of American history, after Spain took back Florida, it was a very popular destination for escaping American slaves. While the Spaniards chose not to return them to America, they were shunned & amp; are generally forced to live among the remaining indigenous peoples, or form their own communities. All surviving Indigenous populations were removed from the country after becoming part of the United States through the Indian Removal Act, but later restored during the 20th and 21st centuries. Muscogees generally consider themselves separate, as indigenous members who get them to start, while Seminole does not.
In the extreme northwest corner of the state, there are also Siouan-speaking people called Pascagoula, part of three alleged tribes found throughout the Bayous of the Gulf Coast by France in 1699. Around the turn of the 18th century, harassed by neighbors Muskogean and fear the repeated impact of conquest as English, Spanish & amp; The French fought on their land, Pascagoula was finally disbanded and migrated westward to join their tribal sister, Biloxi. Soon after, Biloxi crossed the Mississippi and dissolved into the backwaters along the Red River. Today, they are part of the Tunica-Biloxi Tribe of Louisiana.
Contacts and after Europe
At the time of the first European contact in the early 16th century, Florida was populated by about 350,000 people who joined several tribes. The Spanish empire sent Spanish explorers recording nearly a hundred of the names of the groups they encountered, ranging from organized political entities such as Apalachee, with a population of about 50,000, to villages with no known political affiliation. There are about 150,000 speakers of the Timucua dialect, but Timucua is organized as a village group and does not have the same culture.
Other tribes in Florida at first contact include Ais, Calusa, Jaega, Mayaimi, Tequesta and Tocobaga. Early explorers like Alvaro Mexia wrote about them; other information has been studied through archaeological research. The population of all rates declined sharply during the Spanish control period of Florida, largely because a new infectious disease epidemic was introduced, which Native Americans lacked natural immunity. The reduced population of indigenous populations allowed outside groups, such as Seminoles, to move to areas beginning around 1700.
At the beginning of the 18th century, when indigenous peoples were much reduced in the population, tribes from areas to northern Florida, supplied with guns and sometimes accompanied by white colonists from the Province of Carolina, were raided all over Florida. They burned villages, wounded many inhabitants and took prisoners to Charles Towne for sale as slaves. Most of the villages in Florida were abandoned, and survivors sought refuge in St. Louis. Augustine or in remote locations across the state. Many tribes became extinct during this period and at the end of the 18th century.
Some Apalachee eventually reached Louisiana, where they survived as different groups for at least another century. Spain evacuated several surviving Florida tribesmen to Cuba in 1763 when Spain moved the territory of Florida to the United Kingdom after the last victory against France in the Seven Years' War. In the aftermath, Seminole, originally a branch of the Creek people that absorbed other groups, developed as a distinct tribe in Florida during the 18th century through the process of ethnogenesis. They have three federally recognized tribes: the largest is the Seminole Nation of Oklahoma, formed from descendants since the transference in the 1830s; the other is the smaller Florida Seminole Tribe and Miccosukee Tribe of the Indians of Florida.
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First Spanish Rules (1513-1763) Juan Ponce de LeÃÆ'³n, the famous Spanish conqueror and explorer, is usually rewarded for being the first European to see Florida, but he may have his predecessors. Florida and many of the nearest beaches are depicted in the Cantino planisphere, an early world map that was secretly copied in 1502 from the most recent Portuguese sailing map and smuggled into Italy a full decade before Ponce sailed north from Puerto Rico in his cruise voyage.. Ponce de LeÃÆ'³n may not even be the first Spaniard to go ashore in Florida; The slave traders may have secretly raided the native villages before Ponce arrived, when he found at least one native tribe who spoke Spanish. However, the 1513 Ponce expedition to Florida was the first open and official. He also gave Florida his name, which means "full of flowers." Another dubious legend states that Ponce de LeÃÆ'³n is looking for the Youth Fountain on Bimini island, based on information from indigenous people.
On March 3, 1513, Juan Ponce de LeÃÆ'³n arranged and completed three ships for an expedition set off from "Punta Aguada", Puerto Rico. The expedition included 200 people, including free women and blacks.
Although it is often stated that he saw the peninsula for the first time on March 27, 1513 and thought it was an island, he probably saw one of the Bahamas at that time. He went ashore on the east coast of Florida during the Spanish Easter party, Pascua Florida, on April 7 and named the land La Pascua de la Florida. After a brief exploration of the land south of St. Augustine, the expedition sailed south to the bottom of the Florida peninsula, through the Florida Keys, and up the west coast as far north as Charlotte Harbor, where they briefly disagreed with Calusa before returning to Puerto Rico. From 1513 onwards, the land became known as La Florida . After 1630, and throughout the 18th century, Tegesta (after the Tequesta tribe) was the preferred alternative name for the Florida peninsula after the publication of the map by Dutch cartographer Hessel Gerritsz at Joannes de Laet History of the New World.
Further Spanish efforts to explore and colonize Florida are disastrous. Ponce de LeÃÆ'³n returned to the Port of Charlotte area in 1521 with equipment and settlers to start the colony, but was soon encouraged by the hostile Calusa, and de LeÃÆ'³n died in Cuba because of injuries received in battle. The expedition PÃÆ'¡nfilo de NarvÃÆ'¡ez explored the west coast of Florida in 1528, but his harsh demands on gold and food led to a hostile relationship with Tocobaga and other indigenous groups. Faced with starvation and unable to find his support ship, NarvÃÆ'¡ez attempted to return to Mexico via a raft, but it was all lost in the sea and only four surviving members of the expedition. Hernando de Soto landed in Florida in 1539 and embarked on a multi-year journey through what is now a southeastern United States where he found no gold but lost his life. In 1559 TristÃÆ'¡n de Luna y Arellano established the first settlement in Pensacola, but, after a violent storm devastated the area, the place was abandoned in 1561.
Horses, hunted by natives to extinctions 10,000 years ago, were reintroduced to North America by European explorers, and to Florida in 1538. When the animals were lost or stolen, they began to become wild.
In 1564, Renà © à © Goulaine de LaudonniÃÆ'¨re founded Fort Caroline in what is now Jacksonville, as a refuge for Protestant Huguenot refugees from religious persecution in France. Further down the coast, in 1565 Pedro Menà © ndez de AvilÃÆ'  © s founded San AgustÃÆ'n (St. Augustine) which is the oldest inhabited European settlement in any U.S. state. It's the second oldest only to San Juan, Puerto Rico, in the United States today. From this base of operations, Spain began to build a Catholic mission.
All the colonial cities were established near the mouth of the river. St. Augustine was established where Matanzas Inlet permits access to the Matanzas River. Other cities are established in the sea with similar bays: Jacksonville, West Palm Beach, Fort Lauderdale, Miami, Pensacola, Tampa, Fort Myers, and others.
On September 20, 1565, MenÃÆ'Â Ã © ndez de AvilÃÆ'Â s s attacked Fort Caroline, killing most of the French Huguenot defenders. Two years later, Dominique de Gourgue recaptured settlements for France, this time massacring Spanish defenders.
St. Augustine became the most important settlement in Florida. A little more than a fortress, it is often attacked and burned, with most of the population killed or fleeing. It was especially destroyed in 1586, when the British sea captain and sometimes pirate Sir Francis Drake looted and burned down the city. Catholic missionaries use St. Augustine as an operating base to build over 100 missions that are widespread throughout Florida. They transformed 26,000 indigenous peoples in 1655, but the revolt in 1656 and the epidemic in 1659 proved devastating. Pirate attacks and British attacks are unrelenting, and the city was burned several times until Spain fortified it with Castillo de San Marcos (1672) and Fort Matanzas (1742).
Throughout the 17th century, British settlers in Virginia and Carolina gradually pushed the boundaries of Spanish territory in the south, while French settlements along the Mississippi River crossed the western boundary of Spanish claims. In 1702, British colonel James Moore and allies of Yamasee and Indian Creek attacked and destroyed St. Augustine, but they can not control the fort. In 1704, Moore and his troops began burning Spanish missions in northern Florida and executing Spanish-friendly Indians. The collapse of the Spanish mission system and the defeat of the Apalachee Indians (Apalachee Massacre) opened Florida until the slave attack, which reached the Florida Keys and destroyed the native population. The Yamasee War of 1715-1717 in Carolinas resulted in many Indian refugees, such as Yamasee, moving south to Florida. In 1719, the French captured the Spanish settlement in Pensacola.
Spanish Spanish Florida, a haven for escaping British slaves
The border between the British colonies of Georgia and Florida of Spain was never clearly defined, and was the subject of continual small and large harassment in both directions, until submitted by Spain to the US in 1821. Spanish Florida, thus to undermine the economic stability of British slave-based plantations , encourage runaway slaves and offer them freedom and protection if they enter Catholicism. It is known word of mouth in the colonies of Georgia and South Carolina, and hundreds of slaves escape. The predecessor of this Underground Railway ran south. They settled in the buffer community on the north side of St. Augustine, called Gracia Real de Santa Teresa de Mosà © ©, the first settlement made of free blacks in North America.
This angered the British colonists. Britain and their colonies repeatedly fought against Spain, especially in 1702 and again in 1740, when the great troops under James Oglethorpe sailed south from Georgia and besieged St. John's. Augustine but can not take Castillo de San Marcos. Creek and Seminole Native Americans, who had set up a buffer settlement in Florida at the invitation of the Spanish government, also welcomed many of the slaves. In 1771, Governor John Moultrie wrote to the British Council of Commerce that "This has been the practice for the good old days, because the Negroes flee from their Masters, and into Indian cities, from which it proves very difficult to get them back." When British government officials press Seminole to return the escaped slaves, they reply that they "only feed the hungry, and invite slave owners to catch the escapees themselves."
English Rule (1763-1783)
In 1763, the Spanish traded Florida to the United Kingdom of Great Britain to control Havana, Cuba, which had been captured by the British during the Seven Years War. It was part of a major expansion of Britain following the country's victory in the Seven Years' War. Almost all of Spain's population went, bringing most of the remaining indigenous population to Cuba. Britain divides the area into East Florida and West Florida. The British soon built the King's Road which connects St. Augustine to Georgia. The road across the St. Johns at a narrow point, called Seminole Wacca Pilatka and England named "Cow Ford", both names seem to reflect the fact that cattle were brought across the river there. The British government granted land grants to officers and soldiers who fought in the French and Indian Wars to encourage settlements. To encourage settlers to move to two new colony reports on Florida's natural wealth published in England. A large number of "energetic and good-quality" British colonists moved to Florida, mostly from South Carolina, Georgia and the United Kingdom even though there were also a group of settlers from the Bermuda colony. It will be the first permanent English-speaking population in what is now Duval County, Baker County, St. Johns County and Nassau County. The UK built a good public road and introduced the cultivation of sugar cane, tilapia and fruits as well as timber exports. As a result of this initiative northeast of Florida prospered economically in a way that was never done under Spanish rule. Furthermore, the British governors were directed to summon the general assembly as soon as possible to legislate for Floridas and in the meantime they, with the council's advice, to establish a court. This will be the first introduction of many of Florida's existing legal systems currently owned by Florida including court-by-jury, habeas corpus and district-based governments.
A Scottish settler named Dr Andrew Turnbull transplanted about 1,500 required settlers, from Menorca, Majorca, Ibiza, Smyrna, Crete, the Mani Peninsula and Sicily, to plant hemp, sugar cane, indigo, and to produce rum. Set in New Smyrna, within a few months the colony suffered huge losses primarily due to the disease brought by insects and Native American attacks. Most plants do not grow well in sandy Florida soils. Those who survive rarely match the quality produced in other colonies. The invaders were exhausted by their enslavement and the Turnbull government. On several occasions, he used African slaves to flog his disobedient settlers. The neighborhood collapsed and the survivors fled to safety with British authorities in St. Petersburg. Augustine. Their descendants survive to this day, as does the name New Smyrna.
In 1767, the British moved the northern boundary of West Florida to a line extending from the mouth of the Yazoo River eastward to the Chattahoochee River (32 Â ° 28 Â ° north latitude), which comprises about one-third below the current state of Mississippi and Alabama. During this time, Indian Creek migrated to Florida and formed the Seminole tribe.
When the colonies declared independence, many Floridians condemned it. They were virtually unaffected (since East and West Florida were the inland areas) by the Stamp Act Crisis of 1765, which led to 13 colonies to see the public interest threatened by the British. Florida refused to send delegates to the Continental Congress. The majority of the Floridians are Loyalists, grateful to the Crown, who remained loyal to England. Many actually helped lead the raids in South America. A disaster attempt on the part of American Forces to invade East Florida occurred at the Battle of Thomas Creek in Nassau County today. It was led on May 17, 1777. American colonel John Baker surrendered to England. Another effort, the Battle of Alligator Bridge took place on 30 June 1778.
Both Floridas remained loyal to England during the American Revolutionary War. However, Spain (indirectly participating in war as an ally of France) seized Pensacola from England in 1781. In 1783, the Treaty of Paris ended the Revolutionary War and restored all Florida control to Spain, but without specifying its limits. The Spaniards wanted an expanded limit, while the new United States demanded a long line north of the 31st parallel. In the San Lorenzo Agreement of 1795, Spain recognizes the 31st parallel as the limit. Second Spanish Rules (1783-1821)
The Spanish presence included several officials and soldiers, but no new settlers. Most of the British population left. Unattended areas serve as shelter for escaped slaves and a base of Indian attacks on the United States, and the United States demands Spain to rectify the situation. The Spanish replied that the slave owners were welcome to recapture the escape itself.
British-Americans and Scottish-Irish descendants began moving to northern Florida from the forests of Georgia and South Carolina. Although technically not authorized by the Spanish authorities, Spain has never been able to effectively monitor the border region and newcomers from the United States will continue to migrate to Florida uncontrollably. These migrants, mixed with existing British settlers who have remained in Florida since the British period, will be the ancestors of the population known as the Florida Crackers.
Independent Period (1810-1821)
West Florida: State of Florida (1810)
The American settlers built a permanent foothold in the area and ignored Spanish officials. Fixed British settlers also hated the Spanish government, leading to an uprising in 1810 and a ninety-day stance of what the Independent and Independent Republic of West Florida called on 23 September. After a meeting that began in June, the rebels overcame Spanish garrisons. in Baton Rouge (now in Louisiana), and unfurled a new republic flag: a white star on a blue square. This flag became known as the "Bonnie Blue Flag".
In 1810, parts of West Florida were annexed by the proclamation of President James Madison, who claimed the territory as part of the Louisiana Purchase. These sections are incorporated into the newly formed Orleans Territory. The US annexed the West Florida Mobile District to the Mississippi Territory in 1812. Spain continued to dispute the region, although the United States gradually increased the territory it occupied.
East Florida: Republic of Florida (1812)
- View: Republic of East Florida
Seminole Indians living in East Florida have robbed settlements in Georgia, and escaped American slaves are their allies; Negro Fort, an abandoned English fortress in the western end of the region, manned by Indians and blacks. The United States Army would lead an increasingly frequent assault on Spanish territory, including the 1817-1818 campaign against the Seminole Indians by Andrew Jackson who came to be known as the First Seminole War. The United States now effectively controls East Florida. Control is needed, according to Foreign Secretary John Quincy Adams, because Florida has become "an abandoned man who is open to inhabit every enemy, civilized or savage, from the United States, and serves no other worldly purpose than as an annoying post for them. Florida has become a burden for Spain, who can not afford to send settlers or garrisons. Madrid therefore decided to surrender its territory to the United States through the Adams-Ona Agreement, which came into force in 1821.
American Frontier
Florida Region (1822-1845)
Florida became an organized territory of the United States on March 30, 1822. The Americans joined East Florida and West Florida (although the majority of West Florida was annexed to the Territory of Orleans and Mississippi Territories), and established a new capital in Tallahassee, conveniently situated midway between the Florida capital East St. Augustine and the capital city of Pensacola in West Florida. The boundaries of the first two districts of Florida, Escambia and St.. Johns, roughly coinciding with the boundaries of West and East Florida respectively.
The free blacks and Indian slaves, Black Seminoles, who live near St. Augustine, fled to Havana, Cuba to avoid being under US control. Some Seminole also left their settlements and moved further south. Hundreds of Black Seminoles and fugitive slaves escaped early in the nineteenth century from Cape Florida to The Bahamas, where they settled on Andros Island.
As settlements increased, pressure grew on the US government to move Indians from their land in Florida. Many settlers in Florida are developing plantation farms, similar to other areas in the South End. To the worries of new landowners, Seminoles harbored and integrated blacks who fled, and clashes between whites and Indians grew with the entry of new settlers.
In 1832, the United States government signed the Payne Affairs Agreement with some Seminole chiefs, promising them land west of the Mississippi River if they agreed to leave Florida voluntarily. Many Seminoles leave it, while those who remain ready to defend their claims to the land. The white settlers pressed the government to get rid of all Indians, by force if necessary, and in 1835, the US Army arrived to enforce the agreement.
The Second Seminole War began in late 1835 with the Dade Massacre, when Seminoles ambushed Army troops marching from Fort Brooke (Tampa) to fortify Fort King (Ocala). They killed or wounded all but one of the 110 soldiers. Between 900 and 1,500 Seminole soldiers effectively used guerrilla tactics against US Army troops for seven years. Osceola, a charismatic young charism leader, came to symbolize war and Seminoles after he was arrested by Brigadier General Joseph Marion Hernandez while negotiating under the banner of a white truce in October 1837, on the orders of General Thomas Jesup. First imprisoned in Fort Marion, he died of malaria at Fort Moultrie in South Carolina less than three months after his arrest. The war ended in 1842. The US government is estimated to have spent between $ 20 million ($ 507,172,414 in 2017 dollars) and $ 40 million ($ 1,014,344,828 in 2017 dollars) on the war; at the time, this was considered a huge amount. Almost all Seminole were forcibly exiled to the Creek land west of the Mississippi; several hundred remain in the Everglades.
Statehood (1845)
On March 3, 1845, Florida became the 27th state of the United States. His first governor was William Dunn Moseley.
Almost half of the country's population is African American slave working on cotton and sugar plantations, between the Apalachicola and Suwannee rivers in the northern part of the state. Like the people who own it, many slaves come from the coastal areas of Georgia and Carolina. They are part of Gullah-Gee Chee's culture in Lowcountry. The other is African American slaves from Upper South who have been sold to traders who take slaves to the South End.
In the 1850s, with the possible transfer of ownership of federal land to the state, including the land of Seminole, the federal government decided to convince the remaining Seminoles to emigrate. The Army reactivated Fort Harvie and renamed it to Fort Myers. An increase in army patrol led to hostilities, and eventually the Seminole attack on Fort Myers that killed two US soldiers. The Third Seminole War lasted from 1855 to 1858 which ended with most of the remaining Seminoles, mostly women and children moving into the Indian Territory. In 1859, 75 other Seminoles surrendered and were sent to the West, but a small number continued to live in the Everglades.
On the eve of the Civil War, Florida has the smallest population of the Southern states. It is invested in plantation agriculture, which relies on enslaved African American labor. By 1860, Florida had 140,424 people, 44% of them were enslaved and less than 1,000 were color-free.
Civil War, Reconstruction, and Jim Crow
After the election of Abraham Lincoln in 1860, Florida joined the other Southern states in secede from the Union. The separation occurred January 10, 1861, and, after less than a month as an independent republic, Florida became one of the founding members of the American Confederation. Since Florida is an important supply route for the Confederate Army, Union forces operate blockades across the state. Union forces occupied major ports such as Cedar Key, Jacksonville, Key West, and Pensacola. Though many minor battles took place in Florida, including the Battle of Natural Bridges, the Battle of Marianna, and the Battle of Gainesville, the only major battle was the Battle of Olustee near Lake City.
A state service was held in 1865 to rewrite the Constitution. After fulfilling the requirements of the Reconstruction, including ratifying the amendments to the US Constitution, Florida was accepted back to the United States on 25 June 1868. This did not end the struggle for political power among groups in the state. The white people in the South object to the political participation of free people and complain of illiterate representatives to the state legislature. But of the six members who could not read or write during the seven-year reign of the Republic, four were white.
After the Reconstruction, the conservative, white whites perpetrated suppression and intimidation of the electorate until they regained control over the state legislature in 1877. This was achieved in part through acts of violence by white paramilitary groups targeting free men and their allies to prevent them from voting. From 1885 to 1889, after regaining power, the white-dominated state legislature passed legislation to impose poll tax and other barriers to voter registration and voting, to remove votes by blacks and whites poor. Both groups have threatened white Democratic forces with populist coalitions. When these groups are stripped of the voters list, white Democrats establish power in a one-party state, as it did in the South.
In this period, white violence increased against blacks, particularly in the form of suspensions, which peaked around the turn of the century.
The Great Freeze of 1894-5 damages citrus crops, which have an adverse ripple effect on the Central Florida economy in particular.
In 1900 African American countries numbered more than 200,000; 44 percent of the total population. This is the same proportion as before the Civil War, and they are effectively deprived of their rights. Not being able to vote means they can not sit on the jury, and are not elected to a local, state or federal office. They are not recruited for law enforcement or other government positions. The White Democrats have passed Jim Crow legislation establishing racial segregation in public facilities and transportation. Without political representation, African-Americans find their facilities under-funded and they are pushed into second-class positions. For more than six decades, white Democrats controlled almost all the state seats in Congress, divided by the total population of the country and not just whites who voted.
Since 1900
In 1900, Florida was largely agricultural and border; most Floridians live within 50 miles of the Georgian border. The population grew from 529,000 in 1900 to 18.3 million in 2009. The population explosion began with a massive 1920s land boom when Florida became a destination for tourists and a southern mainland speculator's paradise. People from all over the South have migrated to Florida during this time, creating a greater southern culture in the central part of the country, and expanding the existing ones in the northern region.
In 1920, Florida had the highest per capita death penalty rate, although its overall total decreased. White violence against blacks continued into the post-World War II period, and there was persecution and unrest in several small towns in the early 1920s. Florida has the only punishment achieved in 1945, in October after the war ended, when a black man was murdered after being wrongly accused of attacking a girl.
In the 1920s, many developers invested in land in the southern states of the region such as Miami, and Palm Beach attracted more people in South America. When Crash came in 1929, house prices plummeted, but the sun remained. Wounded badly by the Great Depression and the destruction of the land, Florida, along with many other States, continues to float with federal grants under the Administration of Franklin D. Roosevelt.
The Florida economy did not fully recover up to the buildup for World War II. Climate, tempered by the increasing availability of air conditioning, and the low cost of living, make the country a paradise. In 1945, at the close of the War, many people from the Northeast and the Rust Belt migrated to Central and South Florida. Since 1945, migrations from the Northeast and Midwest have resulted in non-native to about 63% of the current population. In the last few decades, more migrants have come to work in developing economies.
Racial relations
After World War I, there was an increase in death sentences and other white-racially directed violence against blacks in the state, as well as throughout the South, and in big cities like Chicago and Washington. That is partly due to the rapid social and economic changes, and competition for work, and the annoyance arising from Reconstruction after the Civil War, as well as the tension between the two black and white populations created by the return of black veterans..
White people continue to use the death penalty to maintain dominance, and tension increases. Florida led the South and the nation in a per capita robbery from 1900-1930. The white mass committed massacres, accompanied by the massive destruction of black houses, churches, and schools, in the small community of Ocoee, November 1920; Perry in December 1922; and Rosewood in January 1923. The governor appointed a special grand jury and a special prosecutor to investigate Rosewood and Levy County, but the jury found no evidence to prosecute. Rosewood was never resettled.
To avoid segregation, the death penalty, and the suppression of civil rights, 40,000 African Americans migrated from Florida to northern cities in the Great Migration from 1910-1940. That is a fifth of their population in 1900. They seek a better life, including paid work, better education for their children, and the opportunity to choose and participate in political life. Many are recruited for jobs with the Pennsylvania Railroad.
Boom in 1920
The 1920s were a prosperous time for most nations, including Florida. The state's new railroad opens up large areas for development, spurring the Florida land boom in the 1920s. Investors of all types, many from outside Florida, vying to buy and sell quickly appreciate the land in newly mined communities such as Miami and Palm Beach. Led by businessman Carl Fisher and George Merrick, Miami is transformed by land speculation and ambitious development projects into a new metropolis. The growing awareness in the area around Florida, along with the Northeast about the fascinating southern Florida winter climate, along with local promotions of speculative investments, spurred the boom.
Most people who buy land in Florida hire an intermediary to complete the transaction. In 1924, the major issues in state elections were how to attract more industries and the need to build and maintain good roads for tourists. Over the span of time, the population grew from less than one million in 1920, to 1,263,540 in 1925.
In 1925, the market ran out of buyers to pay the high price, and soon the boom became bankrupt. The 1926 Miami Hurricane, which almost destroys the city is increasingly pressuring the real estate market. In 1928 another storm hit South Florida. The 1928 Okeechobee hurricane made landfall near Palm Beach, severely damaging the local infrastructure. In towns near Lake Okeechobee, the storm broke through a dike separating water from the mainland, creating a storm surge that killed more than 2,000 people and destroyed the towns of Belle Glade and Pahokee.
The ban has been popular in northern Florida, but is opposed throughout the south, which became a haven for speakeasi and rum-runners in the 1920s. During the years 1928-32, the coalition of judges, lawyers, politicians, journalists, brewers, hoteliers, retailers, and ordinary organized Floridians tried to lift alcohol bans. When the federal government was legalized near beer and light wine in 1933, the wet coalition launched a successful campaign to legalize this drink at the state level.
Floridians subsequently joined the national campaign to lift the 18th Amendment, which succeeded in December 1933. The following November, state voters lifted Florida's constitutional ban on liquor and gave local governments the power to legalize or ban alcoholic beverages.
The Great Depression
The Great Depression began with the fall of the Stock Market in 1929. By then, the economy had declined in most of Florida from the collapse of the previous three years from the land boom. The New Deal (1933-40) alters and reaffirms Florida's southern physical and environmental landscape. Sewers, roads and schools are built by the Job Progress Administration (WPA). There is a labor camp for the youths of the Civil Conservation Corps (CCC).
From 1930 to 1935, students chose Fort Lauderdale, Daytona Beach, and Panama City Beach as great places to take spring breaks and parties. The 1960s film Where the Boys Are increases its attendance in Fort Lauderdale to 50,000 annually. When this figure increased to 250,000 in 1985, the city began passing laws that restricted student activities. As a result, students moved to Daytona Beach from 1980-1990. The figure for Fort Lauderdale dropped to 20,000; 350,000 visit Daytona Beach. Daytona Beach passed a law that restricts underage drinking. Students then start degrading Panama City, where 500,000 are visited in 2013.
Gambling legalized in Florida in 1931 enabled the formation of Parimutuel bets. By 2014, there are 30 such companies, generating $ 200 million in state fees and taxes.
Anticipating war, the Army and Navy decided to use the country as a key training area. The Navy chose coastal areas, the Army, the hinterlands.
In 1940, the population was about 1.5 million. The average annual income is $ 308 ($ 5,380.12 in dollars 2017).
World War II and the development of the space industry
In the years leading up to World War II, 100 ships drowned on the coast of Florida. More ships sank after the country entered the war.
Approximately 248,000 Floridians serve in war. About 50,000 of them are African Americans.
The state became the main center of the United States Armed Forces. Naval Air Station Pensacola was originally established as a naval station in 1826 and became the first American naval aviation facility in 1917. The entire nation was mobilized for World War II and many bases were set up in Florida, including Naval Air Station Jacksonville, Naval Station Mayport, Naval Air Station Cecil Field, Naval Air Station Whiting Field and Homestead Air Force Base.
The Eglin Air Force Base and the Air Force Base MacDill (now the home of US Central Command) were also developed during this time. During the Cold War, Florida's coastal access and its proximity to Cuba encouraged the development of these and other military facilities. Since the end of the Cold War, the military has closed several facilities, including major bases at Homestead and Cecil Field, but its presence is still significant in the economy.
The population increased by 46% during the 1940s.
Due to the relative closeness of Cape Canaveral to the equator, compared to other potential locations, it was chosen in 1949 as a test site for the country's new-born missile program. The Air Force Base Patrick and the Cape Canaveral launch site began to form when the 1950s flourished. In the early 1960s, Space Race was running smoothly. As the program expanded and employees joined, the space program produced a huge explosion in communities around Cape Canaveral. This area is now collectively known as Space Coast and features the Kennedy Space Center. It is also a major center of the aerospace industry. To date, all orbital manned space flights launched by the United States, including the only people visiting the Moon, have been launched from Kennedy Space Center.
Migration and civil rights movements
The Florida population mix has changed. After World War II, Florida was changed as air-conditioning development and the Interstate highway system encouraged migration by residents of the North and the Middle West.
Prior to development, Florida salt marshes were able to produce many mosquitoes. Salt salt mosquitoes do not lay eggs in standing water, preferring moist mud or mud. Biologists learn to control them by "source reduction", the process of removing the moist sand that mosquitoes need to breed. To achieve this goal, most of the coastal swamps are either dumped or diked to remove the moist sand the mosquito needs to spawn. Together with chemical control, it produces quality success.
In 1950, Florida was ranked twenty among the states in the population; 50 years later ranked fourth. Due to low tax rates and a warm climate, Florida is becoming a destination for many retirees from the Northeast, Midwest and Canada.
The 1959 Cuban Revolution resulted in a large wave of Cuban immigration to South Florida, transforming Miami into a major center of trade, finance and transport for all of Latin America. Emigration from Haiti, other Caribbean countries, and Central and South America continues to this day.
Like other countries in the South, Florida has many African-American leaders active in the civil rights movement. In the 1940s and 1950s, a new generation began to work on issues, fought by veterans who had fought during World War II and wanted to gain more civil rights. Harry Moore built the National Association for Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) in Florida, rapidly increasing his membership to 10,000. Because Florida's Florida law is not as strict as Georgia and Alabama, it has some success in registering black voters. In the 1940s he increased voter registration among blacks from 5 to 31% of those who qualified for age.
But the country has a white group that rejects change, to attack and kill black people. In December 1951 a white man bombed the home of activist Harry Moore and his wife Harriette, both of whom died of the blast. Although their killings were not resolved, the state investigation in 2006 reported that they had been killed by the Ku Klux Klan independent unit. Many bombings directed against African Americans in 1951-1952 in Florida.
In the early postwar period, the population of the country has changed markedly by the migration of new groups, as well as the emigration of African-Americans, 40,000 of whom moved northward in the early decades of the 20th century during the Great Migration. By 1960 the number of African Americans in Florida had increased to 880,186, but decreased proportionally to 18% of the state population. This is a much smaller proportion than in 1900, when the census showed that they comprised 44% of the state population, while 231,209 people.
2000 controversy Presidential election
Florida became the battleground of the controversial 2000 US presidential election that took place on November 7, 2000. Popular ballots are very close, triggering automatic recounts. This recalculation sparked fraud and manipulation allegations, and led to the irregularities of voice laundering in the state.
Efforts next recount degenerated into an argument over the wrong voice say, "hang the song", and the controversial decision by the Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris and the Supreme Court of Florida. In the end, the United States Supreme Court ruled at Bush v. Gore to end all recounts, allowing Harris's Secretary of State to endorse election results. Florida's last official count gives George W. Bush victory over Al Gore with 537 votes, a difference of 0.009% of the difference. The process was highly divisive, and led to calls for electoral reform in Florida. Florida has the most stringent laws punishing and depriving the rights of criminals and other criminals, even if they have served their sentences. Along with other penalties, it excludes many minorities who may have chosen Democratic candidates.
Everglades, hurricanes, drilling, and environment
Long-term scientific concern has focused on the fragility of the Everglades. In 2000 Congress passed a Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan (CERP) of $ 8 billion. The goal is to restore the health of the Everglades ecosystem and maximize value for people from the land, water, and land.
Hurricane Andrew in August 1992 attacked Homestead, just south of Miami, as Category 5 hurricane, leaving 40 people dead, 100,000 homes damaged or destroyed, more than a million people left without electricity, and $ 20-30 billion damage. Most of South Florida's sensitive vegetation is heavily damaged. The region has not experienced such a storm of power in decades. In addition to heavy property damage, the cyclone is almost destroying the insurance industry in the region.
The western portion sustained severe damage in 1995, with hurricanes Allison, Erin, and Opal hitting the area within a span of several months. The storm increased in strength during the season, culminating with Opal's landing as Category 3 in October.
Florida also suffered greatly during the 2004 Atlantic hurricane season, when four major storms hit the state. Hurricane Frances struck the Atlantic coast and dampened much of central Florida with heavy rain, Hurricane Ivan causing heavy damage in western Panhandle, and Hurricane Jeanne caused damage in the same area. as Frances, including aggravated coastal erosion. Damage from the four storms is estimated at least $ 22 billion, with some estimates going as high as $ 40 billion. In 2005, South Florida was hit by Hurricanes Katrina and Wilma. The stirred grabbed Hurricane Dennis.
Florida is historically at risk from hurricanes and tropical storms. This has resulted in higher risks and property damage as population and development concentrations have risen along the coastal Florida region. Not only are more people and properties at risk, but development has gone beyond the natural system of wetlands and waterways, which are used to absorb some of the storm's energy and excess water.
Environmental issues include the preservation and recovery of the Everglades, which have been moving slowly. There is pressure by industry groups to drill for oil in the eastern Gulf of Mexico but so far, large-scale drilling off the coast of Florida has been prevented. The federal government declared the state of the agricultural disaster area due to freezing weather for 13 consecutive days during the growing season in January 2010.
Orange has grown and sold in Florida since 1872. Production fell 59% from the 2008-9 season to the 2016-7 season. The decline is largely due to cancer, citrus, and cyclone damage.
In 2009-2010, "hardly any fish in Florida... they found fish all over Florida" by 2016. The federal government believes this is due to federal restrictions on fishing.
Consistent with nationwide use, more than 51% of homes in Florida by 2015 use mobile or wireless only.
During the late 19th century, Florida became a popular tourist destination when the Henry Flagler railroad extended to the area. In 1891, Henry Earth built a luxury railway building at the Tampa Bay Hotel in Tampa; the hotel was later adapted for use as a campus for the University of Tampa.
Flagler built the Florida East Coast Railway from Jacksonville to Key West. Along the route it provides great accommodations for passengers, including Hotel Ponce de Leon in St. Petersburg. Augustine, Ormond Hotel in Ormond Beach, Royal Poinciana Hotel and Breakers Hotel in Palm Beach, and Royal Palm Hotel in Miami.
In February 1888, Florida had a special tourist: President Grover Cleveland, the first woman, and his party visited Florida for a few days. He visited the Subtropical Exposition in Jacksonville, where he made speeches that supported tourism to the state; he took the train to St. Augustine, met Henry Flagler; and a train to Titusville, where he boarded a steamboat and visited Rockledge. On his way home, he visits Sanford and Winter Park.
Flagler's railroad connects cities on the east coast of Florida. This creates more urbanization along the corridor. Development also follows the construction of the I-95 Turnpike in eastern Florida, and I-75 in western Florida. These routes help tourism and urbanization. The northerners of the East Coast use I-95 and tend to settle along that route. People from MidWest tend to use I-75, and settle along the west coast of Florida.
Theme park
Florida's first amusement park was developed in the 1930s and included Cypress Gardens (1936) near Winter Haven, and Marineland (1938) near St. John's. Augustine.
Disney World
Disney chose Orlando over several other sites for the updated and expanded version of Disneyland Park in California. In 1971, Magic Kingdom, the first component of the resort, opened and became Florida's most famous attraction, attracting tens of millions of visitors each year. It encourages the development of other tourist attractions, as well as a large number of residential and business related.
The Orlando area is a resort destination and international convention, featuring theme parks. Other theme parks include Universal Orlando Resort and SeaWorld.
By 2017, 50,000 ships are damaged by Hurricane Irma. This generates $ 500 million of damage, especially in the Florida Keys.
See also
- Florida Historical Society
- South American Southern History
- Original people from the Everglades region
- List of Royal Governors of La Florida
- Florida Maritime History
- The Florida History Museum
- Florida State Library and Archives
- Time Capsule in Florida
- Place history in Florida
- The history of Brevard County, Florida
- History of Florida State University
- The history of Fort Lauderdale, Florida
- History of Jacksonville, Florida
- History of Miami, Florida
- Timeline Orlando, Florida
- History of Pensacola, Florida
- History Petersburg, Florida
- History of Tampa, Florida
- History of Tallahassee, Florida
- The History of the University of Florida
- Ybor City History Bibliography
Source of the article : Wikipedia