Sabtu, 16 Juni 2018

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Revised Pension Table of Pre-2016 Pensioners based on 7th CPC ...

The 7th Central Payment Commission ( 7CPC ), established in February 2014 to review emoluments principles and structures of all central government civilian employees including defense forces, submits its report to 19 November 2015. The 7CPC recommendation affects the organization, ranking structure, salaries, benefits and pensions, of 13,86,171 armed forces personnel. page 105, para 6.2.2 [3]

Following the submission of the 7CPC report, the Government-appointed Chief of Staff is of the opinion that the 7th CPC's recommendations are anomalous, discriminatory, and distinct from historical parity. The anomalies identified by the armed forces are about the use of different principles, policies, and formulas by 7CPC to determine salaries, benefits, rates, rank equality, pensions, and armed forces status compared to civil services, including civilian defense, police and intelligence services. This anomaly they argue affects morals, command and control, and cohesion.

On September 5, 2016, Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) led the government's National Democratic Alliance (NDA) to implement recommendations from 7CPC including those affecting the armed forces with minor modifications. On September 7, 2016, Chief of Army, Navy, and Air Force, wrote to Narendra Modi, Prime Minister, and Mohan Parrikar, the Minister of Defense, expressed their concerns about "unresolved anomalies". They also wrote and informed each of their command that they had been "forced to ask the government to implement the 7th CPC award in postponement due to anomalies to be resolved". On September 14, 2016 the headquarters of the three services, following the assurance at the highest level that the anomalies affecting the armed forces pay, pensions, benefits, parity ratings, and status will be addressed, issuing instructions to their orders to implement government decisions.

On January 30, 2018, President Ram Nath Kovind gave his nod to the 7th Commission of Payments suggestion to raise the monthly salary of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of India (CJI) to Rs 2.80 lakh per month from now Rs 1 lakh per month, in addition to recommending an increase in the salaries of the judges of the Court Agung and 24 Court of Appeal

Video 7th Central Pay Commission (CPC) and Defence Forces

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The 7CPC is based on the background of protracted public protests by former soldiers, including by senior officers, who started following the 6th CPC in 2008. This protest highlights the perceived omissions of the armed forces on matters affecting their salaries, retirement status, level, especially compared to police officers, and defense civilians, given time-bound promotions to the highest ranks, Non-Functional Improvement (NFU), and One Rank, One Retirement (OROP) by the UPA Government.

To address dissatisfaction in the armed forces on salaries and benefits, the government added an additional terms of reference (TOR), excluding the 5th and 6th Payment Commission, which ordered the 7th CPC, "to review the principles and structure of the funds defense service officers who pay attention to historical and traditional parity ". The government does not agree with representatives of the Armed Forces at BPK. Since the 4th Central Payment Commission (1986), when the concept of ranking payments was introduced for the armed forces, pay commission recommendations affecting armed forces' wages, and status, relative to civilian government employees, including police, who wear rank badges similar to soldiers, has caused disappointment and discontent in the armed forces.

Maps 7th Central Pay Commission (CPC) and Defence Forces

Composition 7CPC

The Commission consists of three members, and one secretary. CPC 1 (1947) does not have a secretary. Since then all payment commissions have member secretaries, usually from the IAS.


7CPC has the secretariat of 18 government officials in deputies from their respective departments for the commission. In addition, the commission employs 16 consultants to advise on its work. The consultant is not mentioned in the report, and his contribution is not documented.

The Secretariat comprises members of the Indian Administration Service (IAS), Indian Postal Service, India Railway Account Service, Indian Post and Telegraph Account and Financial Services. The senior officials involved in the compilation of the report are: Jayant Sinha, Indian Audit and Accounts Service (IA & US), 1990 batch, (on completion of his tenure at the 7th CPC posted at the Department of Defense, Department of Defense); Ms Yashashri Shukla, Indian Post and Telegraph Accounts and Financial Services', Mudit Mittal, Indian Railway Accounts Service; Samir Kumar Sinha, an IAS officer from Bihar and Rajiv Mishra cadres, 'Advisers' and 'economists'.

D.K. Rai, the Indian Defense Account Service (IDSA), 2000 batch, is responsible for processing armed forces payments and benefits, including reviewing shipments from armed forces headquarters. Rai, according to Mathur is "very helpful" in "determining the structure of payments to the defense forces", because "his insight about the intricacies of the financial structure of the payment of defense services".

representation of Armed Forces

The mandate of the Central Paying Commission I (nine members) and the 2nd Central Payments Commission (six members) is to examine and recommend a policy structure for central government civil servants. "The emolarium structure and benefits of service personnel" are made by separate Department Committees, with appropriate service representatives, "in light of recommendations made by the payments commission for civilian employees". The first committee is called "The Post War Pay Committee for the Armed Forces". Retirement benefits are examined by a separate committee called "Revisionary Armed Forces Retired Committee (1949-50)". A similar procedure was followed after the second payment commission by the Raghuramiah Committee (1960), which also had a service representative.

Since the 3rd Payment Commission (1500 pages, April 1973), the mandate of all payment commissions includes all central government civil servants, including defense forces. All payment commissions, including 3CPC, 4CPC, 5CPC, and 6CPC, do not have members of the military. Following the protests after the government's decision to implement 6CPC, Manmohan Singh, in 2008, assured the armed forces that there would be a separate commission for the armed forces with proper armed forces participation. Finally, there is no separate commission, or military representation, including in the secretariat, and among consultants hired by 7CPC. Neither the 7CPC member, consultant or secretarial staff, has direct background or knowledge of the culture or work of the organization.

Representation of armed forces in other advanced democracies

In the UK Pay Commissions are "independent bodies providing advice to the Prime Minister and State Minister for Defense Review Agency (AFPRB) on remuneration and fees for Service personnel". AFPRB consists of experts including always a senior retired army officer, who has been serving in the body for many years.

The US has a much more evolved Military Compensation system system. Military compensation, by law, should be reviewed every four years. According to the basic congressional mandate contained in 37 U.S.C. Ã, §1008 (b) any Quadrennial Review is required to undertake a "full review of the principles and concepts of compensation systems for uniformed service members... in relation to national security objectives" and "in an era characterized by rapid technological developments and altering tactics battlefield ".

EX-SERVICEMEN WELFARE: Defence services may get better pay scales ...

Reference template

The terms of reference of the commission are: To examine, "principles that should govern the structure of payments including payments, benefits and other facilities/allowances, in cash or in kind", from central government civil servants (33.02 lakh); and Defense forces (13,86,171)

The specific reference term for consideration of armed forces pay, pensions, and ranking structures reads: "with due regard to historical and traditional parity, with an emphasis on unique aspects for these personnel". The terms historical and traditional parity are not checked or determined by the commission in the report. However, it is often referred to by the commission, including in justifying recommendations affecting the armed forces. See for example, justification of the commission in paragraphs 5.2.11, 6.2.14, and 7.2.31 of the 7CPC report.

Vijayakumar Ranganathan - Google+



According to the Personnel Department, Public Complaints and retirement, anomalies (irregularities of general rules, types, arrangements, or forms, inconsistencies or inconsistencies) for the purposes of the 7CPC examination, including the following two cases: "Where the Official Sides and the Staff Side argue that what recommendations is in violation of the principle or policy spoken by the Seventh Central Payments Commission itself without the Commission assigning any reason, and (b)) where the Maximum Level in the Matrix Pay corresponds to the Grade Pay applicable in the Pay Band under the pre-revised structure, as voided by CCS (RP) Rules 2016, less than the number of eligible employees to be repaired, in accordance with the formula for fixation of payments contained in the Rules ".

Classes, levels, and ratings

Salary levels, rates and ratings are used interchangeably by 7CPC and government in various orders of implementation. 20 different salary levels or rank in the government hierarchy, intended to 'specify statu s', and the seniority of a post . and make "Pay scale.. relevant for the purposes of seniority computing". proposed by the 6CPC, and accepted by the Government's First Congress, in 2008, has been replaced by 18 "new functional levels" l that has been accepted by the BJP government on July 25, 2016.

Rankings that correlate with rankings, in the civil and military hierarchy, "arrive by combining class payments with payments in payment bands". "Level" is, according to 7CPC, the new "status determiner". All levels, and rankings, civil and military are covered in levels 1 through 18 spectrum. The head of the armed forces, and the cabinet secretary, are at level 18.

7th Pay Commission Pension Calculation Table with Option 1 & 2 by ...

Recommendations and Anomalies

The armed forces have identified 37 anomalies in 7CPC recommendations that affect the armed forces. These 'anomalies' relate to salaries, benefits, 'levels' (rank), status, pensions, disability payments, civil military relations, military morale, cohesion, and other issues. This anomaly has been subject to a joint letter by the Chief of Staff to the prime minister and defense minister. Some issues are as follows:

(A) The principles, and formulas, used by the commission used to determine the time scale of salary and rate, of the armed forces, and in particular the civilian security apparatus, comprised of civilian defense, and the police led by military forces, now called Central Armed Police, police bureaucracy, and secret police intelligence services. The armed forces have stated that their salaries have been "artificially suppressed," which has influenced the rank of armed forces, major, and colonel lt, and the election of colonels and brigadiers.

(b) The grant of non-functional enhancements (NFUs) by 6CPC to civilian and police services, while rejecting them to the armed forces. The armed forces demanded that armed forces be extended for the same reason given to other government officials.

(C) Increase the salaries of military service (MSP) for Junior Commissioned Officers (JCOs) to Rs 10,000. CPC 7, recommend Rs 5,200 as MSP for JCO and other line. The Military Service Pay (MSP) for officers between Lieutenant-rank and Brigadier rank is Rs 15,500.

(D) Defects become "percentage-based", and are equivalent to civilians, rather than "based on slab" systems recommended by 7CPC.

Anomalies in payment matrix

MOD instructions on the implementation of recommendations from 7CPC "relating to honorarium structures, benefits and conditions of personnel services of the Armed Forces" were issued on September 5, 2016. The basis for determining the armed forces pay, rate, status, retirement, recommended by 7CPC is similar to 6CPC, except for terminology changes. The 7CPC recommends replacing the 6CPC 'pay and pay band' class, with two "Matrix Pay": one for civil service, police, civilian defense, and one for the armed forces. The term 'level', analogous to salary level, and rank. Matrix for civil security sector (police and civilian defense), providing for promotion of time scale payments in 4, 9, 13, 14, and 16/18 years of service. Promotion time scale for the armed forces to scale the time scale at 6, 13, 21 years service. The distinguished and asymmetric matrix of pay has become a controversial issue, and is incompatible with historical parity, according to Armed forces. The Government in response to make some changes to the 7CPC recommendations in the order in which they are carried out.

For example, the commander of the INS Vikramaditya , the Indian carrier, the rank and the selective appointment, with about 20 years of devotion, according to the new salary, the level, will be below the rank, pay and protocol level police officers with 14 years service, and two levels below with those who have 16 years of service.

The 'level' of the comparative time scale between police and civilian defense and the armed forces is tabulated below.

Anomalies in levels and ratings

Among the 37 anomalies highlighted by the headquarters of the armed forces to the important defense ministries (MOD) are related to the asymmetry in payroll, rank, and civilian allowances and police. The inclusion of historical and traditional relativity 'in the' terms of reference 'in 7CPC notices, is expected, will address this issue, especially against the background of public protests from 2008 to 2015, under the banner of Retired One Level One, where a large number of senior armed forces participate, and highlight the growing gap between salaries, and the status of armed forces and civil defense, police, and other civilian officers. Following the BJP government's decision to implement levels with the existing anomalies, the Heads of three armed forces to write letters to the defense minister and the prime minister expressed their disappointment at the anomalies at the level, rank and status of the armed forces. officers compared to defense civilians, and police officers.

The main causes of anomalies in salaries and rank and allowances between armed forces and civil servants, including police officers, are that 7CPC use different yardsticks in the 'level' allocation between the armed forces and civil servants. Especially in the development of the scale of time, and rank, in civilian cadres and police and armed forces (Table 2 above). Some anomalies relating to payments, statuses, ratings, are as follows:

  • Army officers (army, navy and air force) reached level 11 (major) after 6 years, while civilian personnel including defense civilians, and police, reached level 11 in 4 years including one year spent in practice. Defense civilians from accounts, audits, other departments and police went up to Level 12 after completing 9 years of service in group A; service officers remain at level 11.
  • The armed forces do not have level 12; instead they have a '12 A level' that matches the salary of the old class 1000, in the salary band 4, can be maintained by army officers with 13 years of service (lieutenant colonel, wing commander, and naval commander). The civilian population, and the police and other civil servants, after completing 13 years of service were promoted anomalously to 'level 13', while armed service officers with 13-year service remained at 12 A level, creating status, salary, status and differentiation on a time scale.
  • After completing 14 years of service police and defense civilians move to 13A time scale scale; service officer - Lieutenant Colonel/Wing Commander/Commander - remains at level 12 A.
  • Brigadier [rank level of selection] is equal to Level 13A [time scale].
  • After completing 16 years of service police and civilian defense moved to a 14-day time scale; service officer - Lieutenant Colonel/Wing Commander/Commander - remains at level 12 A, colonel at level 13, and brigadier at 13A.

This and other payments, and status, anomalies have been hated by armed forces headquarters.

Non Functional Enhancement (NFU) and 7CPC


The government in a resolution notifying its acceptance of 7CPC in July 2016 decided to maintain the status quo on Non-Functional Enhancement (NFU) allowed for all 'A' Organized Groups, including defense civilians, although there is no consensus on the commission. to continue with NFU. Two members of the commission, in their disagreement note, said that the "exceptional Defense Forces of the NFU" by the UPA government is "unfair", and that the Organized Group 'Service A' is guilty of carelessly damaging the "promotion of a developmental career," and that they are far less worthy than the officers of the Defense Forces. They recommended that NFU be eliminated for all services.

Armed Forces

The 7CPC Chairperson in his recommendation in the 7CPC report recommended that NFU sprayed out with long residencies "extended to Defense and CAPF troopers" to "fix the difficulties faced by officers due to stagnation at various levels". But the government decided not to extend the NFU to the armed forces. Manohar Parrikar, the Minister of Defense, has had the MOD in its handover to the 7CPC Chair, on 24 December 2014, against the NFU for the armed forces among other reasons that the NFU applies only to organized Group A 'Services.

Siachen Allowance

Siachen's allowance is the allowance given to officers and people from the armed forces stationed in Siachen, a highland area, in extreme weather conditions. The 7CPC in its recommendation notes that "it remains a very difficult condition in the region" and recognizes that Siachen's difficulties and risks are "the maximum faced by every government servant," creating additional 'cells' called Maximum Risk Risk (RH-Max) in beyond "Risk and Difficulty Matrices" of nine cells each representing a level of difficulty and low, medium and high risk. Saichen's allowance, 7CPC explains, is the ceiling for Risk and Risk Benefit (RHA) because "no government employees face more Risks/Difficulties in their work than our Defense officers and jawans posted on Siachen Glacier.Therefore, no RHA can have a higher value of this benefit " [2] : para 8.10.67 Saichen's allowance is the highest in the hierarchy of benefits. [2] : para 8.10.66 7CPC recommends that existing allowances of Rs 21000 pm for officers be increased to Rs 31,500, and for JCO, NCO and other ratings increased from INR 14,000 pm to 21,000 [2] : the 8.10.47

However, 7CPC, anomalously recommends some benefits that have a 'higher value' than Saichen's allowance, although these benefits are lower in the hierarchy of risk matrices and difficulties. Among the benefits higher than Saichen's allowance is the Special Benefit Obligation (SDA), which is 30 percent of salary unlike Saichen's allowance which is a fixed amount, SDA is paid to civilians and defense police among other A groups placed in NE India , and Ladakh, including in Gawahati, Aizwal, Shillong, Kohima and Leh. [1]: para 4.2.14 [2]: para 8.17.115 The armed forces headquarters says that "Siachen can not be equal or lower to Guwahati when deciding" Factor "difficulties". They have recommended a new "matrix of difficulty" to decide allowances for the armed forces. They recommend 65 percent of salary as Saichen benefit.

All India Postal Employees Union Postmen and MTS

Response to 7CPC

Congress (I)

Sashi Tharoor, former Deputy Secretary General of the United Nations, and spokesperson of Congress (I), Ajay Kumar, Member of Parliament, spokesman of the All India Congress Committee (AICC) and Captain Amarinder Singh, former Punjab Chairman, and current president of Congress Committee in Punjab , has called the 7CPC recommendation to discriminate against armed forces.

Sashi Tharoor in March 2016, writes, that the consequences of government policy to reduce the "status and compensation of our military personnel", will "surely be suffered by all". And that he failed to understand what justifies a policy that equates police officers [and civilian defense], who is appointed as the deputy general inspector (DIG) of the police, with Brigadier, to pay and protocol.

Ajay Kumar, a former police officer for the Indian Police (IPS), said that some of the recommendations of the 7th Payment Commission are "off the page", and that existing promotional policies (for IAS and IPS) are flawed, and untenable, and even 'anti-national'. The armed forces have a bad deal primarily because, unlike IAS and IPS, soldiers have no 'association', and have very limited access to political classes compared to phenomenal access from police and IAS, he said in a nationally televised panel discussion. He disagreed with a policy justifying the right of every IPS officer "to become the Director General of Police." This is "wrong for the state," he said.

Captain Amarinder Singh, a former Sikh Regiment officer in September 2016 said that constitutional defense services should be placed at a higher level than civil service and police. Lowering the status of the armed forces in Warrants Preferably, reducing salary scales compared to government cadres, and "carrying them under the police and now the central police organization is a deliberate attempt to undermine the armed forces", he said. "Repeated missteps on the part of the government can only demoralize defense forces", and that "India is unable to provide demoralized defense services with aggressive Chinese and mischievous Pakistan as its next-door neighbors."


PN Vijay, a spokesman for the BJP, in a nationally televised panel discussion on 7CPC and the armed forces said that the Indian Armed Forces perform a much more complicated task than the police or forest service, and that it is essential for national security that the armed forces are treated on a par with the services others. But he added that the last call on this should be taken by the government, more specifically the PM. He said 'joining AF is not an easy decision'; we should not make the army uninteresting '. The BJP, he said, is sensitive to the armed forces' concerns. The time has come for parity between the armed forces and the civil service; and defending the country has become very sophisticated and far more complex than "tackling communal riots. [4]

7th CPC: Defence Officers Revised Pay Matrix for Army, Air-force ...

Manage anomalies

To address the problem of 'anomalies' in 7CPC reports and recommendations, including those ignored or not considered by the 'Powerful Secretary Committee' the BJP government establishes committees on anomalies, and committees on anomalies in benefits. The armed forces are excluded from the anomaly committees, which have been the cause of litigation.

Committee on anomalies

The mandate of the anomaly Committee is to "comprehensive view" anomalies in addition to benefits. To consider the anomaly of approximately 79 Department committees, under each Additional Secretary/Joint Secretary, has been established. Each committee consists of the Chairman, a "Ministry/Departmental Finance Advisor", and a member of the "Staff Side". These committees are expected to complete their work within a year, after which "the Government will approve or disapprove the recommendation of the Anomaly Committee". These committees will be supervised by the Personnel and Training Department.

Committee on anomalies in benefits

The committee on anomalies in benefits, consisting of eight members. Required to submit the report within four months. The benefit committee is to reconcile the anomalies in benefits recommended by 7CPC including the asymmetry between Siachen and SDA allowances.

The anomaly committee consists of: [a] Ashok Lavasa, IAS, Secretary of Finance, Chairman; [b] Rajiv Mehrishi, IAS, Secretary of the Interior; [c] G.Mohan Kumar, IAS, Minister of Defense; [d] CK Mishra, IAS 1983, Bihar cadre, Minister of Health and Family Welfare; [e] B P Sharma, IAS 1981, Bihar cadres, Secretaries, Personnel & amp; Exercise; [f] Boyapati Venkat Sudhakar, Secretary, Department of Post [g] A.K.Mittal, IRES, Chairway of the Railway Board. The armed forces are excluded from the anomaly committees, which have been the cause of litigation.


In response to a petition by Lieutenant Colonel Preetpal Singh Grewal, a serving official, the High Court of Punjab and Haryana, Chandigarh, issued a notice to the Ministry of Defense (MOD) to include representatives of defense forces in a panel set up by the government on September 12, 2016 to test anomalies in 7CPC recommendations implemented by the government. The government has excluded representatives of armed forces from a 22-member committee headed by secretary, Department of Personnel and Training (DoPT), a department under PM. This is the first time an officer serving from the armed forces has filed an appeal to a civil court on policy issues affecting the armed forces and civil-military relations.

Colonel Preetpal Singh Grewal, in his request to the Court of Appeal, has submitted that: (a) The 'Anomaly Committee' set up by the government to look into the recommendations of the 7th CPC has excluded defense personnel and defense headquarters from the replacement anomaly process; [b] MOD does not inform defense services about committee work; [c] defense services learn about the commencement of hearings from press reports; [d] The Supreme Court has declared that defense personnel should not be treated in a "shabby manner" or deprived of rights available to other citizens; [e] given the legal bar of defense personnel forming associations' there should be appropriate alternative participation mechanisms that meet periodically where issues related to defense personnel can be discussed and resolved; and [f] the Standing Committee for the Well-Being of the Former, has not held a single meeting, although Defense Minister Manohar Parrikar has instructed that he hold a meeting every three months.

Projected 7th CPC Pay for each cadre/Post, Pension and all service ...


December 27, 2008

Manmohan Singh, the Prime Minister, issued an instruction that "In the future, revisions to the salaries of the armed forces should be eliminated from civilians and separate councils or commissions should be established to pay for revisions of armed forces."

September 13, 2013

India Today , quoting MOD mail leaked there by the Joint Secretary in the MOD, entitled 'Central General Payment Commission VII' written by Chief of Staff Marshal NAK Browne, Chairman of the Staff Committee (COSC), to AK Antony, Minister of Defense. According to the government's 'letter' it supports separate payment commissions for the armed forces, but the armed forces prefer to be part of 7CPC rather than having separate payment commissions. Air Marshal NAK Browne, according to the 'letter' opposes a separate payment commission for the Armed Forces, since "separate payment commissions may not always benefit the service because anomalies are always bound in both cases"; and that the main cause discontent within the Armed Forces is not a separate payment commission but "non anomalous resolution or anomalous resolution exists"

August 2014

Army headquarters handed over a combined service memorandum (JSM) to 7CPC. The Commission has forwarded JSM to the Department of Defense, the Pre-Servicemen Welfare Department, the General Defense Account Controller, the Department of Home Affairs, the Personnel and Training Department, and so on, "to appeal to the views of key stakeholders in the government on issues filed by the Defense Services ".

December 24, 2014

Manohar Parrikar, Minister of Defense, on the recommendation of Defense Minister R.K. Mathur, May 25, 2013 24- May 2015), told the Chairman of the 7CPC that he did not support Non-Functional Upgrade (NFU) for the armed forces because Ajit Seth, Cabinet Secretary, in 2011, has not made any "recommendations on the matter".

May 2015

The headquarters of the armed forces sent an attachment to their joint service memorandum (JSM) dated August 2014. The 7CPC Chairman, forwarded the addendum, to the Department of Defense, the Pre-Servicemen Welfare Department, the General Defense Account Controller, the Ministry of Home Affairs, the Personnel and Training Department, appealing... to the views of key stakeholders in government relating to the problems posed by the Defense Services "

November 19, 2015

A K Mathur, chairman of 7CPC, submitted a 7CPC report;

December 7, 2015

Lt-Gen Harwant Singh, former Deputy Chief of Staff of the Army, in an article in Hindustan Times said the 7CPC report was "misleading, and inaccurate factually" and it represented "perennial bias and prejudices" of bureaucrats in MOD. He added: "The sad state of the army seems to be nobody's business: at least from all the military top brass".

December 15, 2015

Prime Minister Narendra Modi, speech of the Joint Commanders Conference on board Vikramaditya INS. Defense Minister Manohar Parrikar said "analyzing the demands of armed forces"

December 16, 2015

Manohar Parrikar, Minister of Defense, after laying a wreath at Amar Jawan Jyoti in India Gate to mark Vijay Diwas (India), with General Dalbir Singh, Army Chief of Staff (COAS) Marshal Arup Raha, Air Staff Chief and Admiral RK Dhowan, Chief of Staff of the Navy, told reporters "We analyze them (Payment Commission 7)" and that "next week we will be able to see what can be done."

December 19, 2015

General Dalbir Singh, Marshal Arup Raha, and Rear Admiral Robin Dhowan, sent a joint note to Defense Minister Manohar Parrikar. The memorandum highlighted "some notable inaccuracies and anomalies" in the 7CPC recommendations. Eight "critical issues and core anomalies that survive", identified by the armed forces headquarters. The anomaly, they say, will aggravate the gap between the armed forces and the police and affect morale. To overcome this anomaly they recommend that this should be examined by a non-partisan expert body or parliamentary committee.

January 13, 2016

Prime Minister Narendra Modi approved the "Constitution of the Empowered Secretariat Committee" under the chairman of the cabinet secretary to process the recommendations of the Central 7th Payment Commission by "paying attention to all relevant factors, in a fast and holistic manner".

January 27, 2016

The Ministry of Finance issues instructions on the composition and work of the 7CPC Empowered Committee. The 'Empowered Committee of Secretaries', has 13 members including the Cabinet Secretary, the chairman. It is four times the size of 7CPC, which has three members. Eight members are from the IAS, one from Indian police, and each from the Department of Science and Technology, Railways, Audit and Account Services. The 'Empowered Secretary Committee' is mandated to screen out the "recommendations of the Commission", and to take "into account the views of the respective shareholders, the Ministries, Departments, Staff Associations, and JCM". Defense civilians are represented by defense ministers; police and secret police by former police officers in the cabinet secretariat. There are no representatives from the Armed Forces in the empowered committee.

Members of the Empowered Committee include: [1] Pradeep Kumar Sinha, Cabinet Secretary, Chair; [2] Ashok Lavasa, IAS, Secretary of Finance (Expenditures); [3] Rajiv Mehrishi, IAS, Ministry of the Interior (MHA); [4] G.Mohan Kumar, IAS, Secretary of Defense, MOD; [5] CK Mishra, IAS (1983, Bihar cadres), Secretary, IAS, Minister of Health and Family Welfare; [6] B P Sharma, IAS (1981, Bihar cadres), Secretary, Personnel & amp; Exercise; [7] Secretary of the Ministry of Pension; [8] Boyapati Venkat Sudhakar, Indian Postal Service, 1981 batch, Secretary, Department of Post [9] A.K.Mittal, IRES, Railway Board Chairman [10] Secretary of Security, Cabinet Secretariat; [11] Deputy Superintendent of Finance and General Auditors, IA & amp; US; [12] Secretary, Department of Science and Technology; [13] Dr. Hasmukh Adhia, IAS, (1981 batch of Gujarat cadres), Secretary, Department of Revenue.

March 11, 2016

The head of the short service "Empowered Committee of Secretaries [1]

March 22, 2016

Manohar Parrikar, Minister of Defense, according to MOD media briefing, agrees that there are deficiencies in 7CPC, including the deficiencies identified by the three heads of services. The armed forces identified 37 anomalies in the 7CPC report that eight were considered critical. Some of the anomalies marked by the armed forces are: [a] false equations and comparisons of mandates, risks, and conditions of defense forces services with police paramilitary forces (Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF), Border Security Force (BSF), Indo Border Police - Tibet (ITBP), Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) and Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB) Ã,; [b] higher allowances (30 percent salary) for police, IAS officers and defense civilians, posted in places like Gauhati and other cities rather than to army officers and soldiers stationed at Siachen [31500-20,000]. The parliament, according to media reports, has conveyed to the ruling committee headed by the Cabinet Secretary that armed forces must be guarded above all other "war" weapons from the government.

March 2016

18 former armed forces chiefs, including General VP Malik, wrote to Narendra Modi Prime Minister, expressing their anxiety at the impact of recommendations from 7CPC on the Indian Armed Forces, according to a statement by General VP Malik on TV interview broadcast by NDTV. The Prime Minister, Malik said, had taken the heads of retirees away.

March 29, 2016.

Manohar, Parrikar, Minister of Defense, told India Today that "I do not think they (7CPC recommendations) will remain.I do not regard them as finalities (sic).I have marked them and will promise them with right at the right level ".

April 21, 2016

Sashi Tharoor, former Deputy Secretary General of the United Nations, and a spokesman for Congress (I), in an article asserted that the current government deliberately lowered the "status and compensation of our military personnel". It was difficult, he wrote, to understand the reason the government equated police officers (and civil defense officers) with 12 years of devotion, designated as the deputy general inspector (DIG) of the police, with brigadiers, to pay and protocol. "What can justify such disparities?" He warned that the consequences of this policy "will definitely be suffered by all". He blamed 7CPC for recommending lower retirement pensions for JCO and their equivalents in air force and navy (Rs 12,000), while recommending receiving twice that amount (Rs 27,690) for equivalent civilian officials.

July 22, 2016

After criticism of the 7CPC's recommendation on benefits, the government announced the constitution of seven bureaucratic committees to make "recommendation benefits, in addition to Dearness Allowances". Seven members of the alimony committee are the same persons who are members of the "Empowered Committee" of 13 secretaries. The committee will submit its report within four months.

July 25, 2016

The Government passed a resolution notifying the acceptance of the Commission's recommendations on the "Pay matrix and general recommendations on payments without material changes with the following exceptions in the Defense Defense Matrix to retain parity in payments with the Armed Forces of the Central Armed Forces ": Rationalization Index Level 13A (Brigadier) in Defense Pay Matrix was revised up from 2.57 to 2.67; (ii) an additional three stages at Level 12A (Lieutenant Colonel), three stages at Level 13 (Colonel) and two stages at Level 13A (Brigadier).

The resolution states that NonFunctional Upgradation (NFU), which is acceptable to the Indian Forest Service and the Organized Group 'A' Services, where there is no consensus on the commission, is fixed. The NFU is not extended to the armed forces.

August 7, 2016

General VP Malik, former Army Chief of Staff, in a panel discussion, said the 7CPC recommendation is' striking discrimination 'that has led to a strong sense of despair' and a feeling of 'resignation' in the armed forces. The decision by the government to accept the 7CPC's recommendation to make two matrices, one for the armed forces and another for civil service, he said, would have some negative results: he would provide civil services including six police officers in the first 13 years of service , compared with only one for the armed forces; the resulting matrix and asymmetry will also exacerbate the existing 'equations' which will adversely affect the already full civil-military relationship. He said he was unsure of the reasons given by the paying commission, that the task of the armed forces was no less complex than that of the police or forest department that had been made equal to the IAS.

August 16, 2016

The Department of Defense (MOD) issued an order to apply VII CPC. In addition to the Committee on Benefits, the government established an anomaly committee. This committee under the "Personnel and Training Department" will "examine the individual, post-specific and cadre-specific anomalies arising from the implementation of the commission's recommendations". The Committee will submit its report within a period of four months. An anomaly, the order says will include the following two cases: "(A) where the Official Side and the Staff Side argue that any recommendation is contrary to the principle or policy spoken by the Seventh Center Payment Commission itself without the Commission assigning any reason, and (b) if the Maximum Level in the Payun Matrix corresponds to the Payments Value applicable in the Pay Band under the pre-revised structure, as voided by CCS (RP) Rules 2016, less than the number of employees entitled to be repaired, according to the formula for fixation of payments contained in the Rules ". The Anomaly Committee, to be chaired by the Additional Secretary/Joint Secretary, is expected to complete their work "within a year from the date of the constitution, after which the government will approve or disapprove the recommendation of the Anomaly Committee." Financial Advisors from the Department/one of the Department's Anomaly Committee Members. "Unlike the civil department that will have a" Staff Side "inseparable from the anomaly considerations and settlements, there will be no representation from the staff side of the armed forces

The anomaly committee has 79 nodal officers, including senior police bureaucrat Mahesh Kumar Singla (IPS, KL.1982) Special Secretary (Internal Security). The anomaly committee will not have representative of the armed forces. Problems affecting the armed forces will be handled by the MOD bureau of Ashok Dongre, JS (Esst/PG), the 1987 IAS officer of the Tamil Nadu cadre.

August 17, 2016

Rajeev Chandrasekhar, Independent Rajya Sabha MP, member of the Permanent Parliamentary Defense Committee, commented on the government for implementing incorrect recommendations from 7CPC in an interview saying [a] "this issue is not about money but the status of the armed forces vis àÆ'-vis government service other centers,... status in the service and command hierarchy, [b] 'There is no doubt that the IAS and IPS because of its proximity to political forces have more than a consecutive payment commission given its own sweet and sweet offerings and leave the military in the cold '. [c] This is because "the military is never represented in this payment commission"; [d] "If the government has an explanation for this, they must make it. If the IAS or pay commissions have a reason for this why do not they include it in the public domain? "; [E] 46 anomalies from the Payment Commission 6 and 36 of the 7th Payment Commission remain unresolved and no valid answers are given as to why the request is being rejected".

September 5, 2016

The Ministry of Defense (MOD) announces the announcement of a 7CPC recommendation that affects the armed forces to notify the Implementation order for 7CPC.

September 7, 2016

The Chairman of the Staff Committee (CoSC) meets and decides to withhold the implementation of 7CPC until the 'anomalies' are resolved. A major anomaly is the decline of rank (rank), salary, and status of the armed forces compared to civilians of defense, police, and other civil servants. The Parliament, has convinced the Armed Forces since returning in March 2016 that "payments and benefits to troops should be paramount".

September 9, 2016

Army Chief Marshal Arup Raha and Navy Chief Admiral Sunil Lamba, and General Dalbir Singh, wrote letters to the Prime Minister and Parrikar expressed their concerns over "unresolved anomalies", and informed their formation and unit that they were "forced to ask the government to withhold the implementation of the 7th CPC award in the postponement of an anomaly view that needs to be resolved ". The signal to the unit from the service headquarters advises "In the meantime, personnel are expected to display maturity and patience, and are not affected by the hearsay or speculative reports of each quarter." MOD, affirms "what has been decided all has to be done and legitimate complaints can be resolved later."

The MoD on parliamentary instructions has informed an empowered committee headed by the Cabinet Secretary, in March 2016, that the armed forces are guarded above all other government "war" weapons. It is unclear who besides the armed forces who are the government's 'combat weapons'. It is also unclear what action the MOD, or the Defense Minister after the empowered committee failed to record MOD advisors. The government's decision to implement 7CPC increased in social media personnel of the armed forces.

September 11, 2016

Lieutenant General Vijay Oberoi, former Deputy Chief of Staff of the Army (COAS), a decision by three Heads not to carry out the MOD command "a very wise decision", is done for the good of all their command line ", and that" Three Leaders need to be congratulated for adopting a principled attitude against unjust rewards, and doing it in a mature and balanced way. " I wear a hat to you gentlemen, "he wrote.

The news from the action by the Chief of Staff, Oberoi said "reflects two important points: First, it shows the government in a very bad light, and is actually a slur on the ability of political leadership to not understand the extent of anxiety in all our military ranks. the determination of the Chiefs to fight a highly unfair, planned, written and executed bureaucracy by taking a nod from a political leadership. " He warned the armed forces not to fall prey to government "persuasion of all kinds, such as more committees, ministerial interventions and even subtle threats, not to mention the usual words 'how many nations need you'! They have to stop and not fall for the ploys like that. "

Captain Amarinder Singh, former Chief Minister of Punjab and officials at the Sikh Regiment, the current author and president of the Punjab Congress Committee, on September 11, supported the establishment of three service heads. He said "There is a striking discrimination with sic-salt-sanctioned defense services" and that "Just because our soldiers are disciplined and dedicated to serving the nation, it should not mean that they are discriminated against". The issues raised by the Chairs, he says, are not about money but on status, and that defense services must be constitutionally superior to civilian and police services.

On the recommendation of 7CPC to pay the army and officers who served at Saichen a much lower allowance than the civil servants stationed in Assam, he said, "I have seriously advised the defense minister that bureaucrats, who have been accustomed to creating barriers and obstacles in giving better paying the defense personnel, should be done to serve in Siachen for at least a day. "" No one among the bureaucrats knows about the hostile conditions in which our army is made to work and that is the reason there is such a bias against defense forces, "he said.

He urged the Minister of Defense 'to stand by the army and get the anomaly sorted'.

September 12, 2016

Chief Marshal Arup Raha, and Rear Admiral Sunil Lanba, Head of the Navy, met with Defense Minister Manohar Parrikar. The head of the Army who was away in Goa, was not present for this meeting. The parliament, according to media reports, told the heads of the Service that orders of armed forces on the 7th CPC recommendation would be "checked if found authentic". The three heads of the armed forces, apparently, asked to meet the PM long before 6 September with no results. The main problem seems to be the government's decision to make the armed forces subordinate to the police, in terms of 'level' and salary, and status.

September 13, 2016

The Tribune in the editorial calls for action by armed forces, seeking delays in the implementation of the Seventh Call Central Commission (CPC) until the anomalies are handled, an "unusual step", which is not "auger good for the country". "Somewhat weird" the editorial notes that, "the government has not satisfactorily dealt with the complaints of the Armed Forces", described to "13 members of the Secretariat's Empowerment Committee in which three Chiefs of Staff are present" and where the three Heads of Services submit a joint representative to the Prime Minister. Issues raised by the armed forces, including those with the PM, remain unharmed, including: a general payment matrix for military and civilian employees; and anomalous resolution in benefits, and retirement. Editorial notes that the armed forces continue to be distracted by the government's decision to exclude Official officers from the 7CPC considerations even though the armed forces comprise almost 30 per cent of Central employees, just like the Railway, which has representation on committees such as the "Indian Police Service with less power 4,700. " He asked the government, "who are already behind the foot not fully implementing One Rating, One Retirement" to "be the top priority to solve the problem satisfactorily.". "Military personnel face the highest risk for their lives, and the highest levels of skill, commitment and sacrifice are required of them."

September 14, 2016

Chief of Staff Marshal Arup Raha, Chairman of the Staff Committee (CoSC), in an official statement issued by the MOD, said, "The weakness of the 7th Payment Commission in connection with the Armed Forces is discussed with Hon'ble Raksha Mantri in detail by the Chiefs of Staff and members. member of the Supervisory Commission of the Armed Forces, His Excellency Raksha Mantri is confiscated from all matters and has been persuaded to resolve it at the earliest.The service is satisfied with his response. "

September 15, 2016

The veteran large contingent led by Lieutenant General S S Brar (ret), marched to Punjab Governor V P Singh Badnore's office and handed over a memorandum, addressed to the President of India. The memorandum says "Veterans' communities throughout the country fully support the attitude taken by the Head of the Army, Navy and Air Force with regard to the recommendations of the Seventh Central Payments Commission"

Capt Amarinder Singh joins veterans marching with members of the Congress party, including Ambika Soni, Asha Kumari and Harish Chaudhary. Later, Amrinder told reporters that the current situation is caused by "bureaucratic bias against the armed forces and closed eyes by political parties running the government". "The brash and overt discrimination of the defense forces has continued since Independence." he says. "We are a large part of our employees and retirees and we have no voice in the decisions made by a handful of bureaucrats imposed on the Armed Forces." Capt Amarinder said "the decline of our status in the Presedency Order, lowering the scale of our salaries vis-ÃÆ' -vis other government cadres, carrying it under the police and now the central police organization is a deliberate attempt to undermine the armed forces". "The repeated missteps on the part of the government can only demoralize the defense forces", and that "India is unable to provide demoralized defense services with belligerent Chinese and mischievous Pakistan as its next-door neighbors," he said.

September 21, 2016

The court of PB Bajanthri, Punjab and Haryana High Court, Chandigarh, in response to a petition by Lieutenant Colonel Preetpal Singh Grewal, a serving official, issued a notice to the Ministry of Defense (MOD) to include representatives of defense forces in a panel set up by the government at 12 September 2016 to test anomalies in 7CPC recommendations implemented by the government. The high court ordered that an anomaly committee should take into account the view of anomalies affecting defense personnel.

September 18, 2016

Four Pakistani-trained terrorists infiltrate the real line of control (LOC) from the base in Pakistan Occupied Kashmir (POK) and attack the army brigade headquarters in Uri and kill 18 soldiers from the Dogra and Bihar Regiment. Terrorist attacks provoke national anger and expose terrible security and intelligence failures, at the operational, and national levels.

October 12, 2016

Defense Minister Manohar Parrikar said, "Yes, there are some anomalies in the 7th payment commission", and "I can convince the people of that country and our armed forces that I personally have handled the matter with the Prime Minister". The disability pension, he said, "is just a concept now", he said. "No final order has been issued yet, only a draft resolution has been prepared on the website, we will check and try to resolve all that can be addressed, and pass it on to the anomaly committee for their opinions." The resolution on the MOD website called the minister, however, does not say it is a concept.

October 13, 2016

MOD in response to increasing public criticism of the government's decision to implement a better disability pension scheme called 'percentage based system', rather than those applied to the armed forces, called plate-based systems, issued a press release informing that representation of the Service Head Office who are looking for disability schemes equivalent to civilians, have been referred to the "7th CPC Anomaly Committee for consideration".

October 18, 2016

Defense Minister Manohar Parrikar authorized G.Mohan Kumar, IAS, the Minister of Defense to issue a memo (No A/24577/CAO/CP Cell) that mapped the rank of equivalence between army officers and elected officers from the Armed Forces Civil Office, Group B service responsible for house keeping and secretarial functions at armed forces headquarters, and inter-service organizations. The memo was signed by V Anandarajan, Chief Administration Officer (CAO), Department of Defense (MOD), under G.Mohan Kumar, IAS, Minister of Defense. Anandarajan, Joint Secretary, is an officer from the Indian Revenue Service, the income tax office, from batch 1988, deputated with MOD. The memo is addressed to the Directorate of Staff Duties (SD), Army headquarters, and the equivalent directorates in the Air Force and Navy among others. In the last paragraph, the memo says it has received approval from Raksha Mantri (Defense Minister Mohan Parrikar). [Para 5]

The great generals, in the memo, were likened to AFHQ CS officers with 16 years as officers in group A, called the Managing Directors; Brigadier with 24 years of service equated to officers with 13 years of service, called the Board of Directors; Colonel with an 18-year-old official with 9 years service at group A level, called Joint Director. Lt colonel, though not mentioned in the memo, will, by implication, be the same as the officer with the 4-year service. Major, captain, and lieutenant with implications will be the same as group B, and the level of clerical positions.

In justification the memo cites 'administrative orders' issued in 2003, 2005, and 2008. Navdeep Singh, an expert in the paying armed forces, who had previously consulted with MOD, said the letter was 'irrelevant'. The letter quoted by Tabulation affects the status of tens of thousands of officers of the armed forces, especially officers holding the rank of lieutenant to major general. Tabulations opposed by armed forces headquarters, issued 'unilaterally' and without prior consultation with the Chief of Staff, or Armed Forces headquarters.

The tabulation of rank equality, and long opposed by armed forces, is contrary to the rank of equality and level in the resolution dated 7 September 2016 announced in the State Gazette. For example, lieutenant colonel and equivalent in Air Force (wing commander) and Navy (commander), level 12 A, 13 years service, according to the news, will be lower in rank and status to officers AFHQ CS, 'level 12' the so-called joint director (ranking the time scale of civil service with 9 years of service) It will also damage the MOD letter issued in 2009 that puts lieutenant colonel in Pay Band (PB) 4 with salary class Rs 8000, compared to the joint Director who is in PB 3, with a salary score of 7600.

October 24, 2016

Hindustan Times reported that the memo of rank equivalent between army officer and chief military commander of the October 18 headquarters endorsed by Defense Minister Manohar Parrikar had lowered the rank of the armed forces, and who headed to Group B officer level, and the captain to the assistant level, a non-gazetted group B minister post at AFHQCS, according to senior army officers serving officers. The newspaper said it had "sparked controversy" and was the cause of increased hatred among armed forces officers, "at a time when the armed forces and ministries have different views on the 7th and 7th Report of the Payment Commission and the OrOP".

"We were stabbed from behind," a senior officer told Hindustan Times. Serves officers at army headquarters complaining that according to equations in memo (No A/24577/CAO/CP) "a captain is equivalent to a civilian Group B officer This is not a naughtiness, but a naughtiness by a bureaucrat." They allege that the memo is "an attempt to reverse a clearly defined protocol set by a panel of payment reports and successive court decisions"; contrary to the spirit of recommendations made by the Committee led by Pranab Mukherjee after the report of the 6th Commission of Payment; and that the decline in the level of the armed forces would expand "civil-military rifts" and affect morale.

October 25, 2016

Defense Minister Manohar Parrikar on the sidelines of a naval commander's conference told reporters that the difference in the rank equivalents caused by the October 18, 2016 MOD memo will be fixed in a week and that "any discrepancies in the officers rank structure with those in civil administration will be removed ". He would, he said, "examine the order to detect anomalies that threaten to expand civil-military divisions". Retired Brigadier Gurmeet Kanwal, commenting on the October 18, 2016 memo, said: "It is an undeniable fact that the status of the armed forces has been increasingly weakened over the past few years, creating a bad blood between civilian and military service". Brigadier Pradeep Sharma (ret.) Said, "The ranking equation has become unattractive, it is time for the government to regulate the right things and restore the status of the defense officer". After a stir in the armed forces, the MOD says "all the complicated" , "" problems that linger for some time ", will be reexamined by a committee with the aim of" completing it once and for all ".

October 27, 2016

MOD, two days after the Monohar Parrikar, said "no decrease or change in existing equity from any line of service", issued a press release saying that "there has been no gradation or any change in existing equity from any service line ". In defending press releases the rankings say "the rank of equality, only for the affairs of assigning functional duties and responsibilities" and nothing to do "with the civilian employees outside these offices of the HQrs Service," and that "there is no change in the ranking structure or Armed Forces personnel status ". In justification MOD's press release said they had issued similar administrative memos in 1991 and 92, during NN Vohra's tenure (1990-93) as defense minister, and memos issued by Yogendra Narain in 2000, and Ajai Vikram Singh in the year 2004, and in 2005, when Anthony from my Congress was the secretary of defense. This administrative memo has been said to be 'irrelevant' for issues of level equivalence. The press release ignores the fact that none of these memos meet with the approval of the armed forces, and that issues relating to equality and status are still an unresolved anomaly often marked by the Chiefs of Staff and Retired Chief of the Armed Forces.

Army officers responded to MOD's rejection with skepticism. Brigadier Gurmeet Kanwal said, "Such grass battles are not good for military morale". Lieutenant General HS Panag, a former Commander of the Northern Command Army, said, "this is a battle for three heads of service". Brigadier Gurmeet Kanwal (Retd) tweeted, "The PM urged the nation to send Diwali 'sandesh' to the army B'crats reduced the disability pension n lower status vis-a-vis civilians Happy Diwali !." This is a widespread view in the armed forces.

Officers who served seniors commented on the issues invaded by memo October 18, 2016, told Quint, on condition of anonymity, that "There can be no more than one parameter for 'equality'.How can there be a separate equality for 'Functionality', 'Warrant of Presidencies', and based on the 'Wage/Class Revenue' Accepting such multiple regimes is a deliberate act that causes confusion and alters status according to convenience. "The official added that" it is important to examine the credentials of the AFHQ cadres " only provide secretarial support and have no authority or executive power, they say comparing them with armed forces officers who have executive power, command command over men. "in peace and war, and also have substantial, crazy judicial powers - such as comparing "chalk and cheese".

22 November 2016

Subhash Bhamre, Minister of Defense, in a written answer to a question by Neeraj Shekhar, a member of Rajya Sabha informed that the BJP government had received a plates-based system to determine disability pensions for the armed forces, and a different system, called 'percentage basis' for citizens civil. 100% disability for the armed forces according to the minister are: officer (level 10-18) Rs 27,000 per month; junior officers assigned (JCOs) (level 6-9) 17000, and army and NCOs Rs 12000. Recommended

Source of the article : Wikipedia
